UltraTrust Irrevocable Trust Asset Protection

Asset Protection Strategy

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Asset Protection Strategies

It happened!

Asset Protection: Part 1 of 4, by Rocco Beatrice, Sr.

And now, someone may be planning / plotting / threatening / bullying to sue you. “For everything you’ve got.”
A LAWSUIT IS ON THE HORIZON. You knew that you should have done something before a “lawsuit” was more than just an “idle warning” … You gave it some serious thought. You intended to do it, later… but, … it just never got done.
“Later” became a week, then a year, and now it has been at least three years. And, it just never got done. Sounds familiar?
OUR DYSFUNCTIONAL LEGAL SYSTEM. Contingent fee lawyers, and there’s more graduating from law school. It’s nothing new to you, you heard someone-else’s horror stories, divorce stories, victim stories. You just did not expect it – to become your story.
The internet is full of information. Every 3rd lawyer claims to be the “Asset Protection / Estate Planning” expert. Hundreds of books, thousands of articles. Who can you trust?
My 45 years of personal experience dealing with lawyers and lawsuits in business, right down to the “nuts and bolts.

ASSET PROTECTION is about giving your creditor two (2) options:
1. You dictate the terms of settlement to your creditor.
2. You file for bankruptcy, and your creditor gets NOTHING.
Which is better, diarrhea or throwing-up?
Our Ultra Trust® locked to our Derivative Financial Instrument
Our Asset Protection System
Our Ultra Trust®
Our Derivative Financial Instrument™
Read part 3 of 4: Irrevocable Trust Structure
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