Actual testimonies and reviews of previous clients on how the Ultra Trust® successfully protected their assets
Greg P., Grays Harbor, WA
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Elizabeth O., Memphis, TN
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Mark T., Los Angeles, CA
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Richard E., Nashville TN
Hello Rocco:
“Many thanks for your consultation this AM. I appreciate this information you’ve just emailed and plan to order the book tonight. I’ve read a ton of them – none come close to encompassing your strategies.
As it stands at the moment… my father MUST talk with his personal attorney to express his desires to release my sister concerning her current durable power of attorney – financial and medical. We have jumper through seemingly endless hoops by .. the best of intentioned broker/bankers at Wachovia. Nearly 6 months to get 6 simple stocks redeemed? …. Supposedly these funds are FINALLY going to be ready later this week and I don’t want to make any rash moves to thwart distribution!
I WILL get back with you later in the week.
Thanks again for your time and encouraging words Rocco – I’ve lost my Mom this year – My own sister has totally turned on me for just trying to do the best I can – Dad’s “dying a little faster each day” – my “lady’s” 25 year old son – 2 tours IRAQ-as Marine Tank Commander – weeks from joining Navy Seals – jumps in a pool headfirst in shallow water and now can’t move from the neck down permanently
Ain’t life crazy?”

Rick S., Massachusetts
“Most advisors are mainstream with mainstream ideas. You are definitely out of the box. I’m grateful for your ability to take apart complex issues and provide alternative solutions is simply remarkable. Your vast array of tax planning strategies are extraordinary. You are absolutely in my little black book of people to call.”

John F., San Francisco, CA
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John M., Maine
“Dear Rocco, I write to express my greatest appreciation for the outstanding job you have done in compiling all of the vital information on asset protection and trusts. I especially want to acknowledge you for your gifted ability to transfer that knowledge to me in such an easily understandable manner. I hate to think how much I and my associates have spent over the years on so-called asset protection “experts” who don’t know 10% of what you know. Thank you for your commitment to excellence and for the ongoing contribution the Ultra Trust® is making to me and my business. Thank You!”

Nick D., New York, NY
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Bill W., New York
“Dear Rocco, if it wasn’t for you, I still would be in the middle of a most/most unpleasant event. You’re amazing! Your persistence of repositioning my assets with three separate Ultra Trusts® definitely saved me from selling pencils on the corner of Broad and 42nd Street in Time Square.”

Michael M., Houston, TX
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Mario B., Florida
“Short, snappy, and to the point, timely, and directly applicable. The tax deferral strategies and techniques are head and shoulders above what I have seen so far. Please don’t spread it around, I prefer to be one of the 1%.”

Craig L., San Diego, CA
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Jeremy K., California
“Dear Mr. Beatrice: The information I learned from you is absolutely invaluable. I have listened to many “asset protection” attorneys. Their way of providing business asset protection is to buy more liability insurance and to eliminate the estate tax is to buy more life insurance. You don’t think they have a retainer contract with the insurance companies, do you? You’re underselling yourself. The topic of asset protection, probate elimination, and estate tax elimination is complicated, you have found a way to simplify with one Ultra Trust®.”

George S, Boston, Massachusetts
“There’s an ocean of information out there on the internet. But can you trust the internet to give you solid information/knowledge? I looked over your web site and I called you for more information. The best hour of my experienced life was to reach out to a most knowledgeable individual with a broad spectrum of gray-haired expertise. Most advisors are mainstream with mainstream ideas. You are definitely out of the box. I look forward to continuing our interactions.”

Karl K., Florida
“Mr. Beatrice, I didn’t know those tax saving concepts even existed. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me in everyday language without the professional jargon.”

John S., Massachusetts
“As an insurance agent/broker I’ve gone through a lot of courses looking for this information. Your knowledge and crystal clear advice will help me improve upon the advice I give my clients.”

Joe P., Massachusetts
“Rocco, I have known you since a little boy from Italy. Then you counted on me for education advice, now the roles are reversed. I rely on you for financial advice to protect what I have left for my family. I wanted to let you know I’ve read your material on the Ultra Trust®, word for word; I find it to be very well laid out, easy to comprehend, and compelling to action There’s absolutely no excuse for delaying the implementation of an asset protection fortress.”

Edward, K. Colorado
“They just don’t teach this stuff in college. Some of these guys walk around with business cards indicating international business, but they just don’t have a clue on how to conduct business in a foreign country. They read textbooks and they try to apply textbook principles, but some of them have never worked in business or left the country. They never heard of an IBC or Foreign Asset Protection Trusts, or double stacking trusts, or U.S. reporting requirements. Their only advice is to talk to your accountant or lawyer. Wait a minute are they not the educators?”

Frank W., California
“Rocco, you have a very interesting way to look at a very important life turning planning issue. Your Ultra Trust® material was simplistic, educational, without goobly-gook that most lawyers hide behind. It’s been an experience. Thank you.”

Robert W., Michigan
“Brilliant tax deductions and essential wealth building ideas, that’s what I learned from you. When it comes to protecting assets, minimizing tax bites, and avoiding voluntary probate, there’s just not enough accessible good information out there. Thank you for taking the time and to make hear what I was not listening.”

Rick S., Massachusetts
“Mr. Beatrice, I learned more in two hours of your time than I have learned in the 20 years of seminars.”

Sheldon B, Massachusetts
“I have reviewed the information on the Ultra Trust® several times. I can honestly say that I learned a lot about probate and estate taxes in a very simplistic and clear terminology. I look forward to applying my new knowledge.”

Bob D., Massachusets
“Mr. Beatrice, Thank you for taking my call. It allowed me to really understand why the attorney who spoke at an “asset protection” seminar the other night really doesn’t seem to understand asset protection; a scary thought! If I were just sitting in the audience without ever studying this stuff I would view him as an expert and go with what he tells me!!! Thank goodness I learned proper asset protection from you.”