Derivative Financial Instrument®
Derivative Financial Instrument® is our financial consulting service that is geared toward your estate planning goals. Our service helps you determine the best way to engineer your estate plan. We assist in avoiding the [T]trigger for: – IRS income taxes, gift taxes, estate taxes, and probate. When timely and properly implemented this service will set the legal defense for potential civil conspiracy issues that may be advanced by the [P]ast; [P]resent; and [F]uture (not yet born) creditor.
We look forward to our visit with you and your professional representatives to assist you with the advancement of your estate planning through our unique DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT® brand financial consulting services.

Rocco Beatrice, CPA (Certified Public Accountant), MST (Master of Science in Taxation), MBA (Master of Business Administration), CWPP (Certified Wealth Protection Planner), CAPP (Certified Asset Protection Planner), CMP (Certified Medicaid Planner), MMB (Master Mortgage Broker)
Managing Director, Estate Street Partners, LLC
Riverside Center Building II, Suite 400, Newton, MA 02466
tel: 1+888-938-5872 fax: +1.508.429.3034
“Helping our clients resolve their problems quickly, effectively, and decisively.”
The Ultra Trust® “Precise Wealth Repositioning System”.
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